Nanoxyn Alpha™ Benefits and Ingredients

Nanoxyn Alpha

The first applications that were investigated with this product were for medical purposes, as amazing results appeared from the first tests. Research is also continuing into the benefits of Nanoxyn Alpha, treating herpes as well as other skin conditions, and the results are particularly promising.

Nanosof Health SRL focuses on the development and market launch of products for the final consumer with nanoSOF as an active ingredient. NanoSOF™, a nanomaterial consisting of nanometric charcoal (distributed in concentric layers = nano onion-poly-like solid fullerenes), is obtained from dried olive pits.


Because the process is entirely green, this method does not require the use of chemical solvents and can easily be applied in large-scale production. Nanoxyn Alpha™, the first product already on the market for consumption by the end consumer, is an all-natural nutritional supplement that benefits from the catalytic properties and high oxygen content of nanoSOF™.


The best antioxidant supplement on the market!

We can make such a claim on the basis of the following:

What are the benefits of an antioxidant diet based on Nanoxyn Alpha™?

This antioxidant supplement has countless Nanoxyn Alpha benefits. First of all, Nanoxyn helps activate cellular metabolism through better oxygenation of the body and supports overall metabolism by reducing toxins and free radicals in the body. In addition to the two mentioned above, there are other Nanoxyn benefits: cleansing the digestive system and liver. Moreover, it helps maintain a healthy circulatory system based on better blood circulation. At the same time, when it comes to Nanoxyn benefits, it also improves skin tone by providing better peripheral circulation. Other Nanoxyn benefits include the maintenance of good cholesterol and ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) levels.

A safe Nanoxyn Alpha™ tablet weighing 430 mg has an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) level of 6000, which covers a person's full day's antioxidant supplement needs.

Nanoxyn Alpha™ contains slow-release tablets over 24 hours, ensuring that exactly the optimal amount of antioxidant supplementation is gradually released into the body throughout the day without the risk of overdose.


A safe Nanoxyn Alpha™ tablet weighing 430 mg has an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) level of 6000, which covers a person's full day's antioxidant supplement needs.

Nanoxyn Alpha™ contains slow-release tablets over 24 hours, ensuring that exactly the optimal amount of antioxidant supplementation is gradually released into the body throughout the day without the risk of overdose.


Nanoxyn Alpha™, the best antioxidant supplement on the market, was obtained by combining two known natural antioxidant supplements in powder form: red wine extract, grape seed extract and olive leaf extract. These three antioxidant supplements are used in combination with nanoSOF as a catalyst and neutraliser of free radicals in the body. The nanoSOF material is dispersed in the natural antioxidant mixture and has a neutral pH value. The recommended intake of Nanoxyn Alpha™ antioxidant supplement is one tablet in the morning, taken with a full glass of water. This mode of administration ensures optimal distribution of antioxidant supplements in body fluids.



Fullerenes were discovered by chance in 1985, for which they were awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1986. The name 'fullerenes' comes from the famous architect Buckminster Fuller, who built the famous geodesic dome - the Montreal biosphere. Fullerenes are a carbon allotrope (a molecule consisting of a single element) with a chemical structure between graphite and diamond. It is a molecule with 60 carbon atoms and a football-like structure (C60). The diameter of a C60 molecule is about 0.7 nm (1 nm = 10-6 mm). Surprisingly, there are a number of fullerenes or fullerene fragments in nature: in medicinal charcoal, in activated carbon and in soot produced by burning pips or fresh vegetables. The innovative ingredient of nano polyfullerenes distributed in concentric layers (nanoSOF) is obtained exclusively by processing dried olive pits using a method patented by the manufacturer. It contains: oxygen (83.88%), carbon (13.93%) and nitrogen (1.3%). To use the nanoSOF material in our natural antioxidant supplement, the nanomaterial is ultrasonically treated in ultra-pure water to obtain a nanomaterial that falls within a specific nanometric range. The nanoSOF™ material has a highly negatively charged surface, which gives it sponge-like absorption capabilities, which aids in the absorption of free radicals from the body and also functions as a large catalyst that multiplies the activity of natural antioxidants that come from fruits, vegetables, vitamins and natural antioxidant supplements.

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